Choosing the right credit card is not as simple as it sounds. Many people change their credit cards after the first time they get them. Before selecting one for your daily use, you need to realize that not all credit cards are alike. You need to know your own shopping habits before selecting one for yourself. If you are someone who shops a lot at the grocery store, you might like to get a grocery rewards card, but if you travel a lot, then you may need to find a travel rewards credit card.
Cards differ on the basis of the rewards they offer along with their APR or the annual percentage rate. You also need to consider the cash back offers as they are the percentage of money that you get back on the purchases you make. Most cards offer up to one percent but there are also those that offer more. Here are a few credit cards that can offer a lot in your daily usage:
Capital One Quicksilver Cash Rewards Card
This is one of the best cash rewards card that you will find in 2018. It has a signup bonus of $150 in cash after you spend $500 within the initial three months and 1.5% cash back on every purchase, daily. You will not have to worry about APR rates during your first fifteen months but after that it is between 14.49%-24.49%. The highlight is that there are no foreign or annual transaction fees.
Chase Sapphire Preferred
People who travel a lot can benefit from the Chase Sapphire Preferred credit card. After spending $4000 in your first three months, you can earn up to 50,000 points as a sign-up bonus during shopping. The 50,000 points are equal to $625 and can be redeemed through Chase Ultimate Rewards. There are no foreign transaction fees. However, you can benefit from transferring the points to hotel and top airline loyalty programs on a 1:1 basis.
American Express Blue Cash Preferred
If you are someone who shops a lot for their families and makes frequent visits to the grocery store, this is the card for you. Not only does it offer $200 as a signup bonus but also returns 6% of the cash spent on groceries and up to 3% cash back on gas and at U.S. department stores. The cashback returns on the cards are amazing but the fact that it has an annual fee of $95 means that if you are going to use your card sparingly then it is not the card for you.
The biggest catch is the 6% cash back at grocery stores if you spend $6000 annually. So, think about your shopping habits, where does a big chunk of your money go? If the answer is the grocery store, then you have found the best credit card for your daily use. The card also offers 3% cash back on gasoline, 3% cash back at select department stores and1% cash back on everything else. After the zero-percent intro rate expires, you will receive a 14.24% – 25.24% based on your credit card history.
Chase Freedom Unlimited
If you cannot decide what kind of consumer you are, it probably means that you shop for all sorts of things. In such a case, Chase Freedom Unlimited can be a really good choice for you as it automatically transfers unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase that you make. You can also receive a sign-up bonus of $150 after you spend $500 in the starting three months. After 16 months of zero percent APR, a variable APR of 16.49-25.24% will be applicable. The best part about this credit card is that it requires no annual fee.